How To Reduce Allergens In the Bedroom

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How To Reduce Allergens In the Bedroom

Having a healthy bedroom environment is essential. However, the air in our bedrooms can be more polluted than the air outdoors. Why? Because indoor environments can harbor a variety of allergens, such as pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores. So, you might be asking yourself how to reduce these allergens in the bedroom to ensure a healthy living environment.

You can consider cleaning your bedroom daily, and remove all the carpets, or keep it minimal. Wash your bedding in hot water once every week and avoid using air fresheners with harsh chemicals, these can negatively affect your air quality and cause respiratory issues. You should also consider getting professional dehumidification and purification services from a reputed HVAC service provider to boost air quality.

We at Superior Air Management on St. Simons Island offer high-quality air purification and dehumidification services at affordable prices, so if you are considering getting it done, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Easy Tricks To Reduce Allergens In Bedroom

Follow these tips and tricks to reduce allergens in your bedroom.

Clean the Bedroom Daily

Let’s start with the simple changes first. If you clean your bedroom once or twice a week, consider doing it daily. This helps keep your bedroom clean and free from dust, which may circulate in the air and harbor allergens. Therefore, you should vacuum regularly, mop, and dust,  with special attention to areas that are likely to trap dust the most, such as the curtains and sofas.

Remove Carpets & Rugs From Your Bedroom

While carpets and rugs help keep the bedroom environment cozy and comfortable, they are the main source of allergens. They trap dust and pollute the air in your home, which can lead to dust mites and other allergens. If you want to reduce allergens in the bedroom, you should remove all the carpets or keep it minimal. But be sure to wash them once a week in hot water to remove all the dust build up.

Wash Bedding With Hot Water

You should wash bedding with hot water once a week to effectively remove allergens, such as dust mites and their waste particles, as well as bacteria and other microorganisms that can accumulate on sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. Hot water helps to kill these allergens, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and promoting better hygiene and overall health. Additionally, regular washing helps to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of bedding, ensuring a more comfortable and pleasant sleeping environment.

Avoid Using Air Fresheners

While air fresheners make your bedroom smell pleasant, they can be harmful, especially for individuals who are prone to allergies or asthma. They contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which, if released into the air, can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory issues. They do not reduce allergens but instead cause a false sense of cleanliness.

So, to reduce allergens in the bedroom, instead of using air fresheners, shift to getting dehumidification & air purification services for a pleasant smelling and allergen-free bedroom environment.

Get Professional Dehumidification & Air Purification Services

You should also get dehumidification and air purification services from HVAC professionals for a boost in your bedroom air quality. They make use of specialized equipment to accurately assess indoor air quality issues and recommend tailored solutions to address them effectively.


Keeping your bedroom clean is especially important to reduce allergens in the bedroom. So, you should regularly clean your bedroom, keep the clutter minimal, and remove carpeting if possible. You should also wash the bedding with hot water once a week to kill allergens and avoid using air fresheners. Instead, consider getting professional dehumidification and air purification services to ensure proper ventilation, avoid mold growth, and keep your bedroom allergen-free.

At Superior Air Management (St. Simons Island), we use advanced equipment to identify the source of allergens and remove them to ensure a healthy bedroom environment for you. For more information, refer to the FAQ section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do air purifiers remove allergens?

Air purifiers are designed to capture and remove allergens such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores from indoor air. They help to improve air quality and reduce allergy symptoms.

What can I put in my house to help with allergies?

Several measures can help alleviate indoor allergies, including using allergen-proof mattresses and pillow covers, regularly washing bedding in hot water, vacuuming with a HEPA filter-equipped vacuum cleaner, and keeping indoor humidity levels low.

Why do I get allergies when I sleep?

Allergy symptoms during sleep can be triggered by various factors, including allergens like dust mites and pet dander present in bedding and bedroom furnishings, as well as indoor air pollutants such as mold spores.

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